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Swimming Pool Filters
A sanitary swimming pool demands effective filtration. That’s why we carry the best pool filter systems for your particular requirements. Among the wide range of brands and sizes available, the major types of pool filtration systems include the sand, cartridge and diatomaceous earth varieties. These great varieties of pool filters come from popular and trusted brands like Hayward, Jandy, Pentair, and Sta-Rite.
Swimming pool sand filters not only offer good filtration efficiency: They are also the only type recommended for apartment pools. Simple to backwash and inexpensive to maintain, they need only weekly cleaning and rarely require repair. While cartridge filters also provide good filtration, the requisite cleaning frequency will vary depending on both the unit and its usage. Overall, they are simple to maintain and repair, and although replacing the cartridges can be somewhat costly, the job will only be necessary once every two to four years. Of all types of swimming pool filters available today, the diatomaceous earth variety is growing in popularity. No matter how big the job, diatomaceous earth. If the municipality in which you reside permits their installation, this could be the perfect fit for you. Take advantage of our great prices and browse our selection today!